Sunday, September 19, 2010
Shirt to Skirt
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fresh Start
It’s the start of another “new” school year- meaning another year of “fresh starts” and wanting new things for the school year we either don’t need or already have; But that’s why fashion is the best, right? Right!
So the thing that makes this year different for me than years previous is that I am a senior. Yes a credited sophisticated senior finally coming up in the world and now 1 step closer to pursuing my dreams & goals.
However, the one thing that never changes is every year back to school shopping is always extremely annoying. I can never find what I’m looking for, sizes are normally too big, too small (which is something of an eyebrow-raiser) or entirely too pricey for no reason what so ever. So this year, I’ve decided to do something different with my life, and my wardrobe. This year I will be sporting many of my own creations- from reconstructed clothing to handmade pieces which are one-of- a-kind and exclusively mine ;) From head to toe at least one piece from my outfit will crafted by me.
Enjoy darlings!!!!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Prints Prints Prints!

I have also been obsessing over lace fabric!

Can't wait to see 'em?
As soon as I find this fabric and bring my designs to life, I will début my creations.
Till then,
Sunday, May 9, 2010

She has been my inspiration for fashion, blogging, and just getting out there and trying new things. Her bright and colorful "fantasy" fashion sense, her attitude toward trying things that are new and out of the ordinary and her very secure sense of self made me reflect on my personal style, and what I think about other people's opinions. I realized that if I want to be a designer I cant let my vision take a back seat to the ideas of others; and that's pretty much what The Illegal Midget is about. It is about showing people my idea of fashion.

Monday, May 3, 2010
Curious....very curious

To see how to use these phenominal lashes, click here
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Bored Cont.

Looks like a dress I designed just yesterday! From the fit, all the way down to the shape and style of the skirt. I would show you the sketch but I don't want people taking my stuff. It's simply beautiful *sniff* :'-)
jumper is soooooooooo cute! I love it. And I like the color; it's sweet
I kanda like this dress then again I kinda don't.
Concept: Great
Execution: .......mmmyaaaaaaa ummmaaaaah I'm half-and-half on that.
This outfit is.....different.....and I like it! LOVE the shoes; and the make-up.....FIERCE!!!!!
This dress is so adorable (but I wish the model had put on a better face. She looks mad). I bought some fabric just like it a while back. I have yet to make a dress out of it though.
This is something I could see Angelina Joulie wearing. It's femm with just a touch of edge.

OMG There are too many to show you so if you want to see the rest of these wonderful creations click here
Bored..... -,-
Sitting in a room doing absolutely..... NOTHING!!!!! Reason being: TAKS. The juniors didn't have to test today however, the sophmores are testing. So while everybody else is taking the math TAKS, the juniors are either.....
- at the mall
- at home sleeping
- stuck at the school
You may be asking "why are you at school if you don't have testing today?" Well that's because my school district is stupid. I am just sitting here at the computer blogging boredly (I know that's not a word but I really don't care) and looking up stuff on and (I love Doe Deere) anything to help bring me out of this funk lol. More to come soon I hope.....
I was just informed that if i don't grow anymore I'll be dubbed as handy-capped.....Interesting.....
Friday, April 16, 2010
Jazz Vs. Miley
Thursday, April 1, 2010
In their march issue, Teen vouge had a contest for people who wanted to design a pair to go into the "Toms" collection
They're weird, but cute at the same time (and very comfortable I might add). Me and 'Randa made a commercial for them. Its comming soon.....
Toms; my guilty pleasure
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ooh I'm glad about...


EXTREMELY big headphones

More to come soon..... Ta-ta!