Hello all!
So I am trying to discipline myself to blog…..again. I know most people that read this will probably say “ok Jazz, now you said this last year….you had so much to write about too…will you really keep up with it this time?”
The answer to that… I will try my best! (It’s better than nothing) 
So here is a recap my life for all of you who actually read my blog... (If there is anyone who reads my blog):
- I interned with Dallas Designing Dreams during my senior year at high school in which I designed, crafted, and sold leather accessories *click here to see my finished projects*
- Got Accepted to Howard University
- Graduated High school (summer was not noteworthy)
- Moved DC; where I currently reside as a student.
- Caught a dry spell, design wise
- Met a gang of awesome, crazy –cool kids who I am glad to call my friends.
- Regained my love for poetry
- Recovered from my dry spell
- Got an idea for perfume (will execute eventually but not now. I’m still experimenting)
- Was introduced to a horde of new music artist, and YouTube comedians
- Caught another dry spell
- Joined Howard University Fashion Council and the Black Retail Action Group
- Went “Bill Nye” on my hair, trying out new styles and making it up as I go along
- Became a “professional entourage” for my best friend‒who will be doing big things in the next few years
- Attended a few panels focused on the entertainment industry *shout out to EPP*
- Learned that I should start writing even if I don’t want to be a journalist. getting exposure from the entertainment/fashion industry in any form can help me in the long run (plus it will help my writing get better because… well let’s be honest, I suck at writing)
- Recovered from another dry spell
- Attended the GRAMMY Viewing Party, sponsored by Grammy U and met some fantastic people (who were very well dressed I might add.)
The Grammy party was too great and made me start thinking very hard about what I want to do in my future career. Unfortunately my skittish brain won’t allow me to focus on just one form of entertainment. I have entirely too much creative energy for that. So these next few years will consist of me doing what I do best: dabbling in multiple forms of art, getting distracted, then creating masterpieces. (And, of course, working on this blog; really this time.)
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